I Love my Cloth Diapers. (Final Update on my Cloth Diapers)
You are all probably thinking what?!?!?!? But it is true, they are cute, prevent bum rash, and they aren’t much more difficult then disposable. Yea, I have to rinse the poo off whenever he has a bm but that is down to once or twice a day and really isn’t as bad as most people think. They also leak a little bit more if I don’t change him frequently enough but that is my own fault for not changing him. As for blowouts, I have had an equal amount of those per cloth or disposables so what can I say? I highly recommend making the investment. If you are curious about the different kinds and what not then let me know and I will arrange to show them to you (I have several kinds) and can tell you what my favorite are and why. So there you go. Cloth diapering is going well and I don’t regret it for a second. 🙂