25 Weeks and Counting…
Hello everyone, I know that it has been awhile since I last wrote. It has been somewhat uneventful around here. I mean aside from me working on making little baby booties and pushing on my stomach to try and feel little Aiden moving. I think that this little guy will have the funnest personality. I mean I don’t really know much yet but I have been giggling a lot and being silly (as I am prone to do) and I just think that he will come out knowing that life is good.
Anyway, today is an eventful day. It is the day that I go with my fairy godfather and get Aiden his crib and mattress. I am very excited because aside from a few clothes that I inherited, a pack-n-play that I inherited, and the things that I have made for Aiden, we still don’t really have anything.
In just two short weeks I will start my third trimester and another exciting thing is that after my prenatal visit on Nov. 29th, I will start having prenatal visits every 2 weeks! There will still be 12 weeks left in my pregnancy but I think going in for prenatal visits more regularly will help the time pass more quickly. 🙂 We will also start birthing classes on Dec. 6th.
Well, that is all for now. I will take pictures of the crib when we get it put together and I will also take pictures of the baby booties I have been working on, as well as any little outfits that I make. I also realize that I have not yet finished and taken a picture of the crib quilt, so I will get around to that as well. Adios!