Brief View About America
This morning I was reading through some scholarships that Brandon submitted on fast web. He would really love people to make comments on them or to vote on them starting Monday. These are the links… “The Real America Scholarship,” The “To Rise From the Ashes Scholarship,” and “The Modern Ninja Scholarship.” Anyway, it got me to thinking about a brief essay that I wrote when I applied at Challenger School long ago. We were asked to write about our view of America and I feel that it is still accurate today and wanted to share it with you. So here it is…
I am grateful to live in a country where we have freedom; freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, and the freedom to assemble peaceably. I also believe that it is a great privilege to live in a country that is by the people, for the people. As a U.S. citizen this allows me to have the right to choose the leaders of my country and my state and how I want them to spend my tax money.
Today’s children are the future leaders of America and in order for them to become honest, hard working, and intelligent leaders they need the best education that they can receive. This means that the schools that they are attending need to have better supplies and text books, better teachers, and the students need to have more hands on experiences within the classroom. These things are only going to be possible if more of our tax money goes toward educational purposes.
In conclusion, I know that our country has the potential to bring forth the very best political leaders that we have ever had running our country, if we will only tap into our resources to do so.
Lastly, I just want to encourage all of you again to please be sure to go out and vote. Election day is next Tuesday. For those of you who have not yet registered to vote, do so now so that you can vote in next year’s presidential election. Also, I would ask that when voting, do not vote democrat, republican or green party. Just vote American, by this I mean, study out the candidates for president review their opinions of the issues most important to you, (for me these would be mostly be immigration and education) and vote for the candidate who most closely resembles your opinion. Love you all!