2010 Goals in no Particular Order
1. Do more recreational activities as a family that will continue to promote family unity, cohesion, and to simply get us out enjoying the world.
2. Teach Aiden his ABC’s, colors, and shapes. He has been working on counting to 10. I also want to work on his recognition of numbers and letters.
3. Be more diligent about FHE. Also continue to do things that will help Aiden’s testimony to grow and our family to continue grow spiritually as a whole.
4. Survive the transition from being a mother of one to a mother of two and make that transition as smooth as possible for Aiden and Lucas.
5. Continue to provide Aiden with opportunities to explore, create, and otherwise expand his little brain.
6. Work towards eating healthier meals as a family, this includes eating out less frequently (we really could use that money better in other ways), adding a vegetable side dish to dinner every evening, and expanding the things that we feed to Aiden so that he can widen his palate (so to speak). One way we want to do this is to try a new vegetable from the produce section every week and cook it a few different ways so that we can see a: if we like it, and b: the recipes we like the best using that veggie. We might do this with fresh fruit as well. *On a side note: if anyone has any good veggie recipes let me know. I am NOT a fan of soggy, or squishy (boiled/steamed) veggies.