I’m So Glad When Daddy Comes Home…
Happy Father’s day to all you father’s out there who read our blog. I don’t know why but lately I have just been so burned out with blogging. This will be another blog with mainly just pictures. We had a fun week though and Aiden and I gave Brandon dinner at Red Robin yesterday for his Father’s day gift. Aiden is also learning a ton of new words, literally 5-10 each day. Here are few of the words that he has learned this week car, bus, closed, toes, lala=lollipop, cuddle, scip tures=scriptures, lat=chocolate, doh, poo poo, boat, poopsie, ahm=arm, hand (which is more like ham), to do, all go=all gone, dude, tato=potato, go, buhys=boys, and buh bye. I try to keep track of all of the new words but it is getting crazy! He is also showing more and more understand of things, the other day he pointed to the oven and said, “cooked.” Then at See’s we were waiting in line and he points to their gold wrapped suckers and says, “lala” (although on first attempt it was much clearer more like lolli.) Then of course we are driving down the road and he starts saying, “boat.” I couldn’t believe lollipop or boat because he hasn’t had much exposure to those words. I had no recollection of him hearing lollipop whatsoever. I had told him boat only the day before because he saw a toy boat while we were getting ready to swim. Anyway, he is catching on very quickly and it truly amazes and shocks me. He is also learning how to sign please. It is a work in progress. Well, enjoy the photos! Until next week thanks for reading…