I Love Mother She Loves Me.
Ok, so I have had something on my mind. There is such a stigma about breastfeeding or not breastfeeding. My motto has always been that as a mother you need to do what will work best for you and your baby so that you are not overwhelmed or stressed. If that means you only feed them formula then do it, if that means you feed them pumped breast milk, formula, and breastfeed from infancy on then do it. If that means you breastfeed to and past age one then more power to you, if that means that you stop breastfeeding at 7 months when their teeth come in because they bit too hard and you became too nervous to breastfeed don’t feel bad about it. They may say breast is best but if it doesn’t work for you to breast feed 100% of the time or even at all then don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it. You are the mother, you are the one trying to juggle this new upside down life that your tiny infant brought about and no one could possibly now how you with your unique personality can cope with late nights, early mornings and feeling like a moo cow. You just have to do whatever you need to in order to make it through the first few weeks and the months until sold food kicks in. My first 6 weeks with Aiden we both spent in pajama’s. I made sure that we had a new pair on at least every 24 hours and that we were both fed, that Aiden was changed, and that I got a shower regularly. Aside from that I just tried to sleep as often as I could and let everything else go as long as I could stand before the clutter got to me. So there you go, I don’t care whether or not you breastfeed nor do I care how long you choose to breastfeed. It is your decision and your children and they will turn out happy, beautiful, and smart no matter what. I also don’t care if you let your house be a mess and wear only pajama’s while you adjust to each new baby you add to your household. Just do what works best for you because if mama ain’t happy (or well rested or calm) then ain’t nobody happy (or well rested or calm). 😉