So, I just have to say once again how amazing the nurses at St. Mark’s Hospital and my doctor were during my labor & delivery. Seriously I will never have anyone but an obgyn deliver any of my children AND if there is anyway in the world to stick with Dr. Nielson for all of my pregnancies and labors/deliveries then I will. Now some of you may be wondering why I am bringing this up considering it was nearly a year ago and because I am not currently pregnant. Let me just tell you why, since I had Aiden I have had several friends and family give birth to children of their own. Three situations of which I would deem (in my opinion only of course) nightmares and each of which have made me more and more grateful for my entire situation with Aiden from conception to delivery.
The first one situation involved a baby who needed a little bit extra care due to a heart problem, and they ended up starting pitocin, which got stopped and started several times, they also didn’t break the water right away so the mom ended up being labor over two-ish days (I don’t remember exactly) and when they finally decided to break her water the baby went into distress and need to be delivered c-section. HELLO, they could have saved A LOT of time and energy if they had broken the water within 2-3 hours of starting the pitocin.
In situation two the doctor allowed the mom to go 4 WEEKS OVERDUE because inducing increases chance of needing a c-section. Well, I was going crazy because SO DOES HAVING A HUGE BABY and the baby gains 1/2 a pound a week starting at like week 36. I was imaging a huge 9-10 pound baby. Luckily, the baby wasn’t even 7 pounds when it was born and I think maybe the due date was off a little. Who knows, the mother could just be blessed to have small babies. 😉
This last situation started out with the mom losing her mucous plug, she was having contractions and she waited to go into the hospital for a couple hours so that she could time the contractions. Anyway, the mom went into the hospital around 1:00ish p.m. where they broke her water and the baby wasn’t born until 3:00 p.m. or so, THE NEXT DAY! 30 hours of labor! She was at a 4 by 9:00 p.m. a 5 by 4:00 a.m. and a 9 around 9:00 a.m. She didn’t start pushing until noon and pushed for three hours. My obgyn (and this is one thing I would change because I felt like he was jumping the gun a little) started talking c-section after I had been stuck at a 6 for 3+ hours. Thankfully with a little help from gravity (and a smart nurse suggesting I roll from side to side to get the baby to rotate to where he needed to be for delivery) I went from a 6/7 to a 10 in 90 mins. One of the nurses said the norm for dialating is about 1 cm. an hour. So anyway, I am just very, very grateful to nurses who have clever ideas, a friendly obgyn who is very smart, for a doctor who broke my water early on in the induction process, for delivering 9 1/2 hours after my water was broken and for only having to push for 55 mins. It was one of the best blessings from Heavenly that I have ever had and probably the only reason I can even consider starting to try for baby #2 instead of waiting or not having another one at all. Hooray for the St. Mark’s Womens Center!!!