Remember Christ Our Savior was Born on Christmas Day.
Well, hello everyone. This past week has been super busy with all of the last minute preparations before leaving today for Arizona. There will not be pictures posted until we return home from our trip because internet access is somewhat limited but I thought that I would at least try and write before we left. I will also try and write again next Sunday.
So, the earlier part of the week consisted of laundry. I wanted to have everything washed so that we would have plenty of options when we were packing. Funny how big trips always seem to begin and end with a ton of laundry. 😉
Tuesday evening I went and helped my dad to do some Christmas shopping for his family and friends. We were surprisingly successful and I think we picked some good choices.
Wednesday morning we took Aiden for his 10 month photos at Target. They turned out cute. It is always hard to choose photos and sometimes we go a tiny bit overboard but this time we stuck to our budget. That evening Aiden was baby sat while Brandon, my dad, and I all went to see Glenn Beck’s Christmas show. They were showing it live at the movie theatre. It was a good message and not at all what I had been envisioning and rolling my eyes about. 🙂 Glenn Beck is a good man.
Thursday I spent part of the day buying my mom Christmas gifts with her money. She didn’t want to know all of the things that she would be getting and wanted stuff to open on Christmas day. She told me that if she were to use the money she would probably just use it for things that she needs. So, I happily took on that opportunity to give my mom Christmas. You see, I enjoy shopping and if I could get paid to do it I would.
Friday evening we went to an open house at the home of the bishop from our old ward and then to a wedding reception. It was a terribly stormy night and the roads were not in the best driving condition but we drove slowly and made it just fine and without any mishaps. Friday was also Brandon’s last “final” (it was actually a presentation of a paper he did earlier in the semester.) and now my hubby can take it easy a little bit. This week he had to finish two websites, write two one page papers, fill out a questionaire, and finish up a paper. He also had one final and one presentation up at the U of U. On top of this he had some t-shirt designs to do and he finished one but will be using my lap top on our trip to finish others.
Saturday Brandon stayed home with Aiden while my dad and I went out to get a few more gifts. One of the gifts took stopping by two stores before finally finding it at a third store. Oi! In the evening we went to visit my grandma and she let us open our gifts. She also enjoyed watching Aiden crawl around and around again. He is quite the silly little boy.
Yesterday we attended church, finished packing for our trip to Arizona, made yummy food for lunch and dinner, watched Fred Claus (which I REALLY enjoyed), and then in the evening my mom came over so that we could celebrate “Christmas”. Basically Brandon and I exchanged gifts and then let Aiden open most of his gifts. I forgot to give him his stocking though. I guess I better do that before we leave this morning. It was funny watching him open his toys because he couldn’t decide what to play with.
Well everyone, have a Merry Christmas and be safe in the snow. We love you and thanks for reading!