Election Day; For the People By the People
For any of you who are still curious about who you are going to vote for please check out the following web sites for these presidential candidates opinions on the “hot issues” and any other information you may be curious about. It is important to be well informed before going to vote. (You will notice the I purposefully left the party names off my lists because I believe it is unimportant what party a candidate is affiliated with.) Enjoy! (If all else fails write in the person you think would make the best president.)
Barr/Root: http://www.bobbarr2008.com/issues/
Obama/Biden: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/
McCain/Palin: http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/
Nadar/Gonzalez: http://www.votenader.org/issues/
Baldwin/Castle: http://www.baldwin08.com/IssuesList.cfm
McKinney/Clemente: Website is not working.