Drip, Drip, Drop Little April Showers.
Ahh so last week…It was our transition week. This means that Brandon had training for the change from inbound calls to mostly outbound calls. It also means that his schedule was noon-8:30 for five days and not what we had been used to nor was it his new schedule. I was a bit apprehensive at the start of the week but we muddled through. I am a little nervous about Brandon’s new schedule (3:30 p.m. to midnight) but I am sure that once we get the swing of things it will actually be semi decent. I keep reminding myself that it means I will only be on my own with the kidlets for 6 waking hours of the day. This is much less daunting the the 10-11 that I had been doing. I am sad that Brandon won’t be here to help put the little ones to bed but we have at least sort of transitioned how we do things so that we don’t miss out on things like family prayer. Learning to juggle two kids is definitely a challenge but I think we are getting the hang of it as a couple and also on our own when the other isn’t home.
On Monday and several other times this week, I have let Aiden have water play time at the sink. He really likes it. He prefers that I leave the water running but that wastes a lot of water so I only do that on occasion.
Tuesday our upstairs neighbors were back from their trip so Aiden was able to spend some time outside with the girls upstairs. He enjoys being outside a lot more when he has some company.
Wednesday we had some fun with a horse costume that we got as a hand me down from a friend. There will soon be a video of it on our other blog. We also took Lucas for his two week appt. on Weds. The doctor said that he looked really good and that he is very healthy. His stats are height 21.5″ (75th percentile), weight 9 lbs. 12 oz. (90th percentile), head circumference 37 cm. (50th percentile). For comparison Aiden was 20.5″ long, 8 lbs. 2 oz., and his head was 36.5 cm. So Lucas is officially a chunk. 🙂 We were also glad to have Brandon home all day with us because it was his day off.
Here is Lucas sleeping on me and Brandon taking videos of Aiden.
On Thursday Aiden decided it was time to try going down the slide on his stomach. I was not looking forward to the day when he decided going down on his bum was not for him. But hey, every kid climbs up the slide and/or goes down it the “wrong” way eventually. Right? It was just a matter of time.
Friday I took Brandon to work and after nap time Aiden, Lucas, and I went to visit my aunt and uncle, we were glad for the diversion and they were kind and fed us dinner. Aiden enjoyed playing in the toy room and Lucas pretty much slept the entirety of our visit (until we were eating just before we had to leave) and then he was quiet and alert.
Saturday Brandon had to work so instead of our usual family stuff I found myself trying to keep Aiden entertained. We spent some time outside during which Aiden picked up some potato bugs and watched them crawl around for a good ten minutes. He is getting to that stage where creepy, crawly things interest him and boy oh boy I am NOT excited about that. Later in the evening I put in Mary Poppins, our video wasn’t fully rewound so it was at the part just before they clean up the nursery and when they started to clean Aiden was giggling and giggling. It was a delight to watch him as he watched the show and giggled. My dad also visited during Aiden’s nap time and got to hold Lucas a bit. He was stopping by to drop off a joint birthday gift for Brandon and I. A Wii! 🙂 Hooray! Thanks again dad!
Sunday we decided to go to sacrament meeting at church (our first time back since Lucas was born) and things went fairly well. I could tell that Aiden was a bit out of practice sitting for the entirety of sacrament but he did fairly well. For dinner we made my cousin in law Emmy’s tasty chili as well as some cheese biscuits. It was delicious and filling. Thanks again for the recipe!
Ok, before I go I just have two other things to mention. First is that in doing further research, I can not make this blog (wordpress) private. I can password protect each individual entry but have not yet decided (or learned) if I can use the same password for all of the entries. I also have not figured out if I can (or rather how to) password protect all of the past entires without doing it one by one (which would take awhile since I have 250+ posts). So until then we will still be a public blog (poo).
Lastly, it seems like many of my friends and acquaintances are on a healthy diet kick lately and everyone wants me to try this thing or that thing as I venture toward eating better and feeding my family better. The thing is that in my opinion the way people eat doesn’t need to be taken to the extreme (ie. this fad diet or that fad diet, eliminating milk or other entire food categories all together) and that all things are good and necessary in moderation. As I have heard people talk to each other and me about their dietary choices and suggestions one thing kept coming back to my mind, over and over, and that is the word of wisdom. It tells us what our bodies need and how to eat. I also feel that this is the thing I should follow as I look at my diet and my families diet. I also feel that as we eat according to the guidelines given in the word of wisdom that we will be healthy. The only trouble is that aside from the scriptures in Doctrine and Covenants explaining the word of wisdom itself, there is little to no info. on how to actually execute a diet and menus that follow those guidelines. So, if anyone has any ideas on how to do so I would appreciate it. In the meantime I am going to study the food pyramid website (because I realized today that it closely resembles the word of wisdom guidelines), try to eat less sweets, and try to get out more/be more active as a family. 🙂 Have a good week and thanks for reading!