21 Weeks and 3 Days
So, as some of you may have noticed my entry for 19 weeks and 4 days along has dissapeared. As computer savy as I can be at times I am completely baffled by this. The only thing that I can figure is that I went into the “journal entry” page to edit something and when I left it, I didn’t leave it properly and it didn’t continue to save the entry. Sad. Who knows what tasty morsels of goodness were written in that missing entry besides the meaning and correlation between Aiden and Brandon. Which I will re-add right now…
Aiden name is special because it came to me through inspiration in a moment when my mind couldn’t have been further from thinking up possible baby names. It is also very fitting because Brandon’s name means, “from the burning hill” and Aiden’s name means, “little fire.” So it is as if Brandon is the watchfire lit on the tower to be a warning and Aiden is the little fire passing the message on.
Next, for those of you who are wondering, I have not detected and obvious movement from Aiden yet. I promise that the day that I do I will add a journal entry saying so. Off and on, I have had strange feelings of what seems to me to be air moving around in my uterus but nothing that has happened consistently. There have also been a couple of times when I have put my hand on my belly and thought I had felt something, but it could have just been my imagination.
At my last prenatal visit the doctor talked to me about the ultrasound results. (They don’t even tell the obgyn what gender the baby is. Silly huh?) Anyway, he said that the heart and brain looked good, the spine has no gaps in it, and that all of the other things they check (I don’t even know everything they check) were normal. He also said that according to the information he got from the ultrasound, Aiden was only about a 1/2 week bigger then the average size and that he wasn’t going to change the due date. This seems funny to me because the ultrasound tech said that the size would put our due date at Feb. 10th which is 6-7 days earlier then my current due date of Feb. 16th. I guess that we will just have to see what happens as the due date draws closer.
Lastly, I will just say that I love Brandon and the cute way he talks to and rubs my belly. He also kisses it. I think this is his way of letting Aiden know that he loves him too and it is very endearing to me. I married a great guy, who will be an excellent daddy.