37 Weeks and 1 Day
Okay, alright, I was hoping that my next entry would be annoucing to the world that Aiden had arrived and that is why I didn’t write an update after my last prenatal visit. He has not yet arrived so I thought it would be a good idea to write.
As of Thursday I was dialated to 2 1/2 cm and 85% effaced. My fundal height was 39 cm. The doctor also explained that he will be at a conference in Park City Feb. 11, 12, & 13 and that if we wanted to be sure that it would be him delivering our baby then we can arrange to be induced Friday Feb. 8th if Aiden makes it that long. We plan to make an appointment for induction on Feb. 8 this week just in case. The doctor said it would be easier to cancel the appointment then it would be to squeeze us in.
So there you have the latest baby news. We promise to spread the word once Aiden arrives. Until next time…