An Aspect of my Testimony.
So today our lesson in Relief Society was Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader, and Savior. While we were talking someone asked, how could 1/3 of the spirits who were there and lived with Heavenly Father and Jesus, leave and follow Satan. A conversation ensued and many theories and ideas were discussed when someone mentioned that Satan was GUARANTEEING our return to live with our Heavenly Father. He was making the promise that it would happen no matter what. I could see how that could be extremely enticing and persuasive. Especially knowing my personality and how on this earth I like to know the outcome before stepping into the unknown. There are many days when I wish I could just see how everything will turn out so that I can have the strength or faith to make it through another long day or hard moment. Knowing this about my personality and that we have very similar personalities in Heaven to what we have here on earth I also had the calm insight to reassure me that I was not even swayed by Satan. His false promises came to me by whatever means either from Satan himself or carried along through the grapevine and I saw right through them. They did not tempt me to join him. I know that despite my sometimes wavering faith and testimony here on earth that I had ABSOLUTE faith that my Brother, Jesus Christ would indeed atone for my sins. He would go to earth and die on the cross for ME. I KNOW that in Heaven my faith was so strong that I did not doubt that my brother would do this for me, not even for the briefest moment. Heavenly Father and Jesus love us all so much that they provided us a way to return to live with them when our time here on the earth is over. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.