Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot…
Hey everyone, can you believe that summer is nearly over? It definitely went by fast. Another thing that I am amazed about is that next friday my first born little boy will be 6 months old. Time has sure passed quickly since he was born. Why is it that time moves more and more quickly as you get older so that one day you wake up and it seems that you are in a race against time? Couldn’t it just slow down a little bit.
Anyway, this week was pretty good. We came back from Wendover on Monday and sort of took it easy. We didn’t do a whole lot this week, it seems like we did a lot of dishes and laundry but that is just because there are always dishes and laundry to do.
A couple of things to update on are that Brandon is out of a job again. He was working through Kelly Services and they weren’t keeping up their end of the contract with Kelly Services so the temp. agency pulled everyone of that job. He did have an interview Thursday that seemed to go well and he also contacted a few other people about a job. I am going to send him out tomorrow to search a little bit tomorrow and hopefully he can e-mail a few people. He is also going to do some follow up as well. His last day was the 25th of July. We would really appreciate any prayers that you could say in our behalf and especially that Brandon might get the job that he interviewed for.
I was also having a lot on my mind because for some reason I hadn’t had my monthly visitor yet and I thought that I might be pregnant. I took a pregnancy test on Monday, negative this worried me because I still hadn’t started of course and was afraid of another ectopic pregnancy, I eventually called my doctor and they had me get another test on Thurs. morning, negative again. Later that afternoon my visitor arrived and all is well. For those of you who are curious my doctor said that because I didn’t have damage or a loss of my ovary or fallopian tube my risk of another ectopic is about the same as a woman who has never had and ectopic. He did say though that they will be a little bit more careful with me because I have had the one. The doc also wasn’t concerned of me having an ectopic this time around because the pregnancy tests were negative. Anyway, that is enough of that.
Saturday was a good day, I went to the temple with two of my very best friends Katie and Richelle, in the morning (I should have gotten a picture darn it) and we did a session. It was nice to go to the temple because I haven’t gone for a couple of months. I went home after the session so that Brandon could have the car to do a couple of errands. In the evening Aiden and I went to my friend Richelle’s to celebrate my friend Charissa’s birthday. It was good to see her and my other friend Melinda because I don’t see them very often. As you can see in the pic. Aiden was enjoying the exersaucer during the party and he even got to taste watermelon. (On a side note, we got Aiden an exersaucer of his own on friday from someone in the village who was selling theirs at about 1/2 the cost.)
Today my cousin’s son got blessed. It was a good blessing and the open house afterwards was leisurely and relaxing. I ate and snacked until my tummy was happy. The brownies and cookies were especially tasty. The other thing to mention is that we decided to let Aiden pet the little dog named Dolly, because although we plan not to have any dogs we most certainly don’t want him to be afraid of them. Well, he enjoyed petting the dog but we neglected to wash his little hands off afterwards and this afternoon he woke up with red eyes and as he kept rubbing he got little red splotches on his head. I concluded that he is probably allergic to dogs and gave him a bath to get the dander/allergens off. That pretty well cleared him up. Poor guy!
Well, that is all from us this week. Aiden has his 6th month check up this week and I am having a nail party this Saturday, Brandon also intends to work on his kite since we will have the community center, other then that it should be pretty laid back. Thanks for reading…